10 march 2020

As you have known, the Italian Prime Minister issued a decree with a series of urgent measures to contain the contagion and manage the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19.
At the same time, however, it ensured the business continuity of the Companies, with deliveries of raw materials and the consignment of finished products to ports, as well as free export abroad.

We intend to reassure you that Olivari B. spa is fully operational and that all its production and services are fully functional to guarantee the delivery of the goods.

We also inform you that Olivari B. spa, for the protection of its employees, is implementing all a series of hygienic-sanitary measures such as to allow the carrying out of the working activity in safe conditions, according to the indications provided by the competent Authorities.
It has also implemented a series of hygienic-sanitary guidelines in relation to all non-employees, outsiders, visitors, suppliers, customers, always for the purpose of containing and managing the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19.

The delivery of the goods will be guaranteed by both national and international couriers.
The collection of goods, as well as all loading and unloading operations at our offices will be regulated by the rules envisaged by the Ministerial Decree.

Available for any further clarification.

Yours sincerely